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Kaitlyn Leeb Education Kaitlyn Leeb obtained her education from North York Board of Education and then completed her studies at York University with a degree in psychology. Kaitlyn Leeb's net wealth is thought to be around 2 million U.S. and comes from her acting deals brand agreements etc. Kaitlyns annual earnings can vary between $30000 and four thousand dollars U.S. Kaitlyn started her career as modeling and then has worked in the print and media industries. Instagram Journey Kaitlyn's Instagram has over 75k fans which she uses to upload her photos and films. The Instagram account first came into existence on the 7th of August 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb is a member of the family Ted Leeb has been Kaitlyn Leeb's husband for over an entire decade. The couple has two girls Avery Elizabeth Leeb born in August of 2016. In 2020, Presley Leeb would be Kaitlyn's 2nd child.

Kayla Maisonet has been an American actor for more than a decade. She's most famous as Georgie Diaz in the Disney Sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Born in New York she moved with her family to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting. Television was her favorite subject in childhood and her desire to become an actor were two of the primary forces behind her decision. She was a fan of Disney Channel and eventually decided she would like to be a professional actor. She was a student when she first began acting and kept it up when she grew older. The stage actress began performing Off Broadway plays and gained a lot of traction in Los Angeles' theater circles. She was featured in a significant recurring part from the Disney 2012 series Dog with a Blog. The Haunted Hathaways followed. The actress was cast in a key role in the Disney comedy Stuck in the Middle in 2016. She played Georgie Diaz. Kayla, as well as the show itself, was immensely successful. Her role in the series Dog with a Blog earned her the Young Artist Award.

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